Toque de Mar Unipessoal LDA:

Our Team

CPT. Luc Metens

Team organizer - Senior Marine surveyor

Geert Franz

Transport consultant / surveyor

Johan Peeters

Senior Marine surveyor

Yves Verbeeck

Transport consultant / surveyor

Our team is an association of marine surveyors with lot of years of experience. The mix of the persons offers a wide range of experience and always a back up person in case one of our persons is
suddenly unavailable. We can offers continuity of our services and this 24 hrs a day, 7 days per week.

Team organizer :Cpt. Luc Métens
Active since 2000 in the survey world, combined with a career on sea for more than 20 years, which 9
years as Master.
Technical knowledge of vessels, working long time as cargo/vetting/technical superintendent for a
tanker company and an hydrographic/offshore shipping company, specialized in eCMID/ISM/ISPS/MLC and navigational audits.

He’s still active as lecturer at the Nautical Institute of France, based partly in Marseille. (ENSM)
Through the years, becoming familiar with all transport related issues (CMR/RID/Inland waterways
Acting also as Flag State Inspector for Malta and Sint Vincent and The Grenadines.
Link to CV
Active in the Benelux/France and Spain/Portugal.
Member of the Nautical Institute, PIANC and AVI inspector (eCMID)

TDM Benelux:

Johan Peeters – Senior Marine surveyor
(ex BMT Belgium)
For the maritime division, Mr. Johan Peeters joined our association, well-known in the
survey world as ex senior BMT surveyor and specialized in H&M, P&I matters but also cargo
and CMR. He is also frequently asked by shipowners, financial institutes and insurers for
valuation and or condition surveys of various kinds of vessels and barges.

Yves Verbeeck – Senior Transport surveyor
For the cargo division, Mr. Yves Verbeeck joined our association. Acting as a senior surveyor in all
cargo and liability surveys, in different kind of transport solutions.
Link to website :

Geert Frans – Transport consultant / surveyor
Mr. Geert Frans, very famous for his knowledge as CMR specialist, joined also our association. We are
developing in-house trainings for loading and securing of goods.
Link to CV.
Link to website:

Cargo Superintendent:
For cargo superintendent works, we work closely with SF13 . Active in Europe but also outside
Link to website:

TDM France:
Cpt. Luc Métens – active from Marseille
I will be mainly active in Marseille and the Mediterranean area as marine surveyor, H&M/cargo/P&I
and cargo surveys/P&I inspections. (eCMID inspections available)